Rising Sun News
City of Rising Sun Launches Brand New Website
Posted by Ynez Taylor on December 21, 2018
Thanks to a grant from the Rising Sun Regional Foundation, the diligent and technical expertise of Matt Scheidler with ETC and the creative and resourceful work of Bryce Kendrick with the City of Rising Sun, the city has a brand new website. The new site has all of the key components of the old site but with several great enhancements and wonderful new features including being mobile friendly. It is designed to be viewed by both desktop and mobile devices.
The most obvious change is the look. It’s fresh, clean, colorful and uncluttered. The home page isn’t crammed with unnecessary subsections and duplicate links which are found in the menu bar across the top where they belong. However, the home page still presents our most popular features such as the ability to pay your utility bill, our most recent news stories with a link to all current and past articles, plus the next few events on the local calendar with a link to the full calendar. There’s also a photo gallery. We would love to add your photos featuring a local event or scenic shot of the city. You can email those to the City of Rising Sun at any time.
What is not on the home page, can be found with no more than two clicks starting with the menu along the top of the page. Here is a brief description of each menu item as they appear from left to right:
HISTORY – A new addition to this page is a slideshow of the 43 timeline stones found along our Bicentennial Walkway at Riverfront Park on Front Street. A historical narrative is also presented.
DEPARTMENTS – Every city department can be found here. Each page has a new introductory paragraph plus traditional contact information and fresh new pictures. Some departments also have links to information specific to their areas.
BOARDS & COMMISSIONS – City and joint city/county boards are found here. For City Council and Board of Works, you can also see their most recent meeting minutes with a link to all past minutes for the last several years.
RESOURCES – While we are still working out updating the ordinances sections, you can find city financial information, ADA and Title VI info plus a greatly improved Local Links page. We have more than tripled the number of local links from the old site. The links either go to local websites of interest or to an email address for a local department if no website is available. If you have a suggestion for a local link we may have missed, please email the City of Rising Sun.
CALENDAR – This is similar to the old one but with a slightly different presentation that makes it more readable.
NEWS – The most recent stories are shown just like before. There is also access to past stories over the last several years which are sorted first by year, then by month. You also have the ability to find a story by typing key words in the search bar.
DINE & PLAY, SHOP & STAY – This is a brand new business directory. It contains most every business in Ohio County with street addresses and phone numbers we had access to. A map displays the business location and can provide directions to it. The directory can be easily sorted by category with a simple click if you want to narrow your search. Earlier in the fall, we offered businesses multiple chances to provide details about their company. Some did, but many have not. That invitation remains open and we encourage businesses to use this free advertising tool (including businesses we may have missed). You can email your information to the City of Rising Sun.
CONTACT – Last but not least, this is a page strictly with contact information for every city department. While contact information is on each department page, sometimes people find it easier to go to a contact page. So, we’ve provided both options.
We are very excited about the new website and hope you enjoy it. Granted, with anything new, it may take a little time to become familiar with it, but we are certain the changes and enhancements made to this new site will better serve the public.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
- Redevelopment Commission – Tue, Oct 8, 5:00 pm
- Board of Zoning Appeals – Tue, Oct 8, 6:30 pm
- Utility Service Board – Wed, Oct 9, 5:00 pm
- Revolving Loan Fund Board – Mon, Oct 14, 4:30 pm