Ohio County Emergency Management Agency, Ohio County Sheriff’s Department and the Rising Sun Police Department are collecting items to help our friends in Kentucky affected by the recent tornadoes. Items for donation can be dropped off in the lobby of the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department or the Rising Sun police Department from now until Thursday December 16, 2021 at 4 pm. The donations will be delivered on Friday. Please note that all items must be new.

Needed items include: Gatorade, Non Perishable Items, Hygiene Products, Baby Wipes, Baby Items, Trash Bags, Flashlights/Batteries, Gloves, Blankets, Paper Products, Pet Supplies, First Aid Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, Duct Tape, Tarps, Candles/Matches, OTC Medicines, Shovels/Rakes, Phone Chargers, Gas Cards, Snacks, Feminine Products, Toys for Christmas.