Fall Community Yard Sale and Clean Up Sept. 20-22

The 2018 Fall Community Yard Sale and Clean Up is right around the corner. This year’s event will be held Thursday, September 20 through Saturday, September 22.

If you would like to have your yard sale promoted for free in a local newspaper ad, you must provide your name, address of your sale location and the day or days you will sell (September 20, 21 and/or 22) to Rising Sun City Hall no later than 5 p.m. Thursday, September 6.  The ad will appear Thursday, September 13.

You may email your information to Amy Martin at amartin@cityofrisingsun.com, call her at 812-438-3340 or sign up at Rising Sun Municipal Utilities (200 N. Walnut St.) during normal business hours.  If you call after business hours and reach voice mail, please spell your name.

Yard sale Information submitted between September 7-18 will not make the paper but will still be promoted on the city’s website and on flyers available for pickup at the utilities desk.

This community event is the PERFECT time to spruce up your property. Show PERSONAL PRIDE and CITY PRIDE by cleaning up around your yard. You don’t have to invest a lot of money to do it. Just invest your time and do the basics. Pick up trash and debris. Cut down high weeds. Trim overgrown hedges and shrubs and mow your grass at a reasonable height. 

For residents within Ohio County only, the City of Rising Sun will make dumpsters available at its brush dump on these remaining Saturdays in 2018 from 7 to 11 am: September 8, October 6 and November 3.

The following items are not permitted at the dump: liquids, hazardous waste, wet or lead paint, closed drums, Freon containing refrigeration equipment, tires or lamps/light bulbs containing mercury.