Lifeguard Courses at South Dearborn High School

South Dearborn High School will offer a blended lifeguarding course in April.  If you are interested, please email aquatics director Shelby Baxter at Also, a recertification course will be offered.  Please email Ms. Baxter for more information.  

Lifeguard course details…

Class Meeting Dates at South Dearborn High School (in addition to self-paced online training):

  • Saturday, April 8 from 9 am-4 pm
  • Sunday, April 9* from 9 am-4 pm (this is tentative based on class size)
  • Saturday, April 15 from 12 pm-5 pm written and water test day

Classes may release early depending on class size and materials covered.

In order to take this course you must be at least 15 years old by the final day of class and complete the following prerequesites: 

  • Swim 300 yards demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Swimmers can use the front crawl (freestyle) or breaststroke or a combination of both. No sidestroke or backstroke is allowed. Goggles may be used.
  • Tread water for 2 minutes using legs only. Hands must be kept under the armpits.
  • Swim 20 yards with face in or out of the water, surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object, return to surface, swim 20 yards on back with the object, and exit the water. This skill must be completed in 1 minute 40 seconds. No goggles are permitted on this skill.

You must also complete all online course work 48 hours PRIOR to the first water session class on Saturday, April 8.