Spring Yard Debris Pick Up


Yard Debris Pick Up
City of Rising Sun Residents
You must use BIODEGRADABLE PAPER BAGS for your yard debris.
Yard debris is defined as leaves, grass and small sticks that can be placed in the BIODEGRADABLE PAPER BAGS. No trash.
Bags can be purchased at Valley Supply, Tandy’s IGA, Wal-Mart and Lowes.
Loose yard debris will be picked up in garbage cansNO TRASH IN THE CANS. NO PLASTIC BAGS.
Mondays and Tuesdays the chipper will be out to take care of tree and bush clippings.
Please stack your branches and clippings in the same direction and close to the curb or edge of yard for easy pick up.
Rules not being followed will result in no pick up.
*****Questions call 438-3340*****