SUMMER ASSISTANT NEEDED AT THE EXTENSION OFFICE; must have completed freshman, sophomore or junior year of college – see details below and contact the Ohio Co. Extension Office at 812-438-3656 for additional information:

Summer Work for College Students: The Purdue Extension Office – Ohio County is beginning the search for summer help. You are invited to apply for the summer program assistant. The summer program assistant will be responsible for working with the Extension Office staff in preparation and execution of the county 4-H fair. The program assistant will also work directly with the Extension Educators to organize and carry-out programs in other extension areas as well as the Mini 4-H program. This job will begin in May and end in August. The job will be for approximately 10-12 weeks, Monday thru Friday 9 AM to 4 PM. The county fair would require flexibility in hours.

To apply for this job, you must have just completed your Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior year of college and be EARN eligible. If you are interested in applying for this position please contact the Extension Office by April 1st. You will then receive the information and the website link to access the application process. By answering a few simple questions you will instantly learn your eligibility status to determine if you are EARN eligible. For additional information on the summer program assistant please call the Extension Office at (812) 438-3656. Purdue University, Indiana Counties and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Institution.